Do you want to stay safe in an unsafe world...

Learn the 4 step formula to staying safe

I want to learn the 4 steps to staying safe

Self Defense for busy Real Estate Professionals.

As a Real Estate Professional you meet a lot of people, potentially in very dangerous conditions. Think about it, you willingly meeting strangers at an empty property.... 

The safe Real Estate Professional course will teach you how to protect yourself before, during, and after you show properties.

Click here to learn how to stay safe

My Story: From Executive Protection to Coach!

Hey, Friend

I'm Robert Jansen, your Self-Defense and Fitness Coach based in Lexington, Kentucky, and the proud creator of 'Go Home Safe 101.'

You're probably wondering, "How did I end up as a Coach?" "Who is this guy, and why should I trust him?" Fair questions! Let me shed some light.

Well, my fascination with martial arts, fitness, and the military sparked at an early age. I harbored dreams of serving in the military, and eventually transitioning to executive protection - or as it's more commonly known, becoming a bodyguard.

By the time I hit my 30s, I'd reached those goals, living my passion and cherishing life. 

From executive protection to self defense studio

The path from executive protection to establishing a self-defense studio wasn't without hurdles. In my late twenties, I was diagnosed with head and neck cancer. Though the treatments were successful, they left me with some lingering damage, compelling me to make a tough choice. Should I continue working in executive protection, potentially compromising my future clients' safety due to ego and pride, or should I prioritize their needs over my personal ambitions?

Ultimately, I chose to step back from the military and executive protection. But in that decision, a new opportunity arose. If I couldn't protect one individual through executive protection, why not equip hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of people with the skills to protect themselves? (a goal I'm still striving for) This realization led me to open a self-defense facility in Lexington, KY, where I dedicated my time and experience to empowering others with self-defense knowledge and skills.

Then came the unexpected turn.

Ten years into running my beloved self-defense facility, I faced a major setback. In March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic hit, forcing me to close my doors, and this was just as my wife and I were blessed with twins! For over six months, the facility remained shut.

But during this challenging time, something heartening happened. Many people reached out to me, wondering if I could teach self-defense online. Inspired by their requests and driven by the desire to continue my mission of empowering people with self-defense skills, I launched this website - Coach Rob Jansen. This platform is now my mainstay, where I continue to teach, guide, and protect.

Eager to enhance your personal protection skills and fitness, but unsure where to begin?

Well, you've come to the right place! Over the past decade, I've guided over a thousand individuals from diverse backgrounds to improve their safety and fitness levels, and I'm here to show you exactly how it's done.

I've curated a FREE workshop where I outline my unique 4-part system for personal protection. In this transformational experience, here's what you'll uncover:

  • The fundamental distinction between self-defense and personal protection
  • The optimal martial arts style tailored for self-defense
  • A clear pathway to embark on your self-defense and fitness journey
  • A 30-day fitness kick-start guide to initiate your workouts, whether in the gym or at home
  • Tips on distinguishing a legitimate self-defense school from a "McDojo"

So, are you ready to take the leap?

Watch the FREE workshop